The value I put on worth

by 2her0ck

I was trying to sell all the above stuff on the Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree (Australia) and eBay at a price where I did not incur any losses. I had calculated the amount I had spent on all of it and it added up to $707. This excludes the items which where just lying around for years that I had not bought but had included as a bonus just to increase the price.

I tried selling them for 3 months but no one would buy them. Every day I would check how many views the listing has gotten and every couple of days I would lower the price by a small margin. I even got offers of $350 to $450 but I would decline them as I did not want to go any lower than what I wanted. It is a simple case of giving more worth to an item just because I already own it.

10 Days ago I decided to do an experiment, maybe because I gave up or because I just did not care anymore. I went on eBay and listed it all together in an auction starting from a $1 reserve. I wanted to see how much someone would pay for it. Again everyday I would check the listing to see if it has gotten new bids and I kept wishing that I at least got $350 out of it which was the lowest I had been offered previously. Obviously someone would pay at least that much.

Today that auction ended and the winning bid was exactly $100. Much lower than what I had expected. I am shocked to see how much value I attach to things even though they are not worth that much. I am happy it is sold as it has helped me learn a lesson and also helped declutter my room. The one thing I have gotten out of this is to not put worth on things that I own. They are only there to be used and once it is bought, the price falls sharply. In the end my hard earned money is just being wasted when it can be used towards my loans or rent. So in the future I will be more mindful of what I am buying and only buy things that I will keep for many years.