
I was just on Facebook and I saw my friends were arguing about which phone is better, the iPhone 5 or the Samsung Galaxy S3? Each one of them wanted to prove they are right and they have the best phone. But why do people compete so much? Is it because they want to make other people jealous? To envy them? And if so then why?

People use money to buy the best things there are currently out there, to be popular and show others how much of an envious life they have but the truth is that they are still empty inside.

They want more and more precious things to fill that emptiness but it would never be enough because they are never content with what they already have.

They want others to notice them for their expensive mobile phone, their flashy Mercedes and they huge 4 bedroom house but what really matters is none of it.

Remove the big house, the phone and the expensive car, at the end none of it matters. All that matters is you.

People shouldn’t like you for what you have, people should like you for who you are and what you do for others. Rather than taking, you should give and be happy with what you already have, even if it isn’t the best thing in the world.

I was thinking of getting the iPhone 5 because everyone thought it was cool, popular and sexy but instead I bought a $90 Nokia phone. Because I don’t care if people don’t envy me, I don’t care if I am not in a competition to become the most popular guy. All I care is that it is all I need for my day to day work and I know that my true friends wont disrespect me for it.